John Leguizamois playing with fire…
Paramount has released the first trailer for Playing with Fire, the upcoming family comedy starring the 54-year-old Colombian actor and stand-up comedian, John Cena, Keegan-Michael Keyand Tyler Mane.

Leguizamo and team play firefighters who rescue three children and, unable to locate the siblings’ parents, become inadvertent and unlikely babysitters.
Directed by Andy Fickmanfrom a screenplay by Dan Ewenand Matthew Lieberman(story by Ewan), Playing with Fire is a Paramount Picturesand Paramount Playerspresentation, in association with Walden Mediaof a Broken Roadproduction.

In addition to Leguizamo, Cena, Key, and Mane, the film’s cast also includes – as the children – Brianna Hildebrand, Christian Converyand Finley Rose Slateras well as Dennis Haybertand Judy Greer.
Paramount will release Playing with Fire in theaters on November 8.