Camila Cabello, Lauren Jauregui, Ally Brooke Hernandez and their Fifth Harmony band mates are the queens of social media.
The all-girl group, created by Simon Cowell on the second season of Fox’s now cancelled The X Factor, has picked up a Shorty Award.

The Shorties, as they’re called, ar doled out annually to honor the best short-form content creators on Twitter and on other social media sites.
Fifth Harmony was named favorite band on social media, beating out One Direction, The Script, Emblem3, Big Time Rush, 5 Seconds of Summer and Tokio Hotel.
Since finishing third on The X Factor, Fifth Harmony has managed to earn a loyal following on social media. The band has 1.17 million followers on Twitter, 436,000 followers on Instagram and 2,768,848 likes on Facebook.
Here’s a look at this year’s Shorty Award winners in the key categories:
Aaron Paul, @aaronpaul_8
#Actress Retta, @unfoRETTAble
Fifth Harmony, @FifthHarmony
Sir Ian McKellen, @IanMcKellen
Patton Oswalt, @pattonoswalt
Paul Feig, @paulfeig
Modern Seinfeld, @SeinfeldToday
News for TV Majors, @N4TVM
Questlove, @questlove
Cancellation Bear, @TheCancelBear
Questlove, @questlove
Scandal, @ScandalABC
News & Media
Billie Jean King, @BillieJeanKing
Jamie Oliver, @jamieoliver
Sarah Jones, @SarahJReports
Kickstarter of the Year
The Veronica Mars Movie Project
Newsworthy Photo of the Year
Pope Francis Introduction by Roberto Luigi
Tyler Graham, @_Tyler_Graham_
Los Angeles Dodgers, @Dodgers
Buck Wolf, @wolfb
Tech & Innovation
Digg, @digg
Boston University’s College of Communication, @comugrad
Terrance Gaines, @BrothaTech
Guy Kawasaki, @GuyKawasaki
Polygon, @Polygon
This American Life, @ThisAmerLife
Black Girls Code, @BlackGirlsCode; Neil deGrasse Tyson, @neiltyson
The Brooklyn Circus, @TheBKcircus
Tumblr of the Year
Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls at the Party
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, @Jerry Seinfeld
Arts & Design
Rachel Ryle, @rachelryle
Neil Gaiman, @neilhimself
Man Repeller, @ManRepeller
Trent Nelson, @trenthead
GIF of the Year
Matrix Cat
Instagram Video of the Year
I Look Good by Paul Zedrich
Dukk Deuce, @Dukk2
Museum Nerd, @museumnerd
David Guttenfelder, @dguttenfelder; Liz Eswein, @newyorkcityliz
Jullien Gordon, @JullienGordon
Vine of the Year
My reflection is cooler than me by Chad Jaxon Perez
Cupcake Dude, @TheDudeBakes; Pinot, @Pinot
Kid Fury, @KidFury
Global Issues
Against Suicide, @AgainstSuicide
Nature Conservancy, @nature_org
Paulo Pirula, @Pirulla25
NASA Goddard, @NASAGoddard
Sustainable Cities, @sustaincities
Buddy Project, @ProjectBuddy; New York Life’s #KeepGoodGoing; Dr. Jen Arnold, @JenArnoldMD