Smollet to Receive Chairman’s Award at the NAACP Image Awards

Jussie Smollett is the Chairman of the awards…

The 32-year-old Brazilian-America actor/singer, who portrays singer-songwriter Jamal Lyon on Fox’s hit drama Empire, is set as one of eight recipients of the NAACP Chairman’s Award.

Jussie Smollet

The honor, which will be presented at the 47th annual NAACP Image Awards next month, is given in recognition of special achievement and distinguished public service.

Along with his role on Empire, Smollett is a longtime activist on behalf of civil rights, HIV/AIDS awareness and other social justice causes since age 15. He volunteers with such nonprofits as the Black AIDS Institute, Artists for a New South Africa and United Negro College Fund. Recently he interrupted his performance at the BET Awards to speak out about the Supreme Court decision allowing gay marriage.

“It is a rare privilege for me to present the NAACP Chairman’s 2016 Award to an outstanding group of trailblazing leaders all under the age of 50 who have given voice and vision to the mantra that black lives matter,” said Roslyn Brock, Chairman of the NAACP National Board of Directors. “The five individuals and three organizations have raised awareness of social, educational, and economic injustice from college campuses, church pulpits and the streets, and exemplify what this award symbolizes: ‘Courage Will Not Skip this Generation.’”

The Chairman’s Awards will be presented February 5 during the Image Awards ceremony at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. A two-hour version of the show will air at 9:00 pm ET on TV One.

Ariza Cast in HBO Films’ “Confirmation,” Starring Kerry Washington

Kristen Ariza is getting confirmed

The part-Hispanic actress has been added to the cast of HBO FilmsConfirmation, starring Kerry Washington.

Kristen Ariza

Ariza joins Kimberly Elise and Malcolm Gets in the film, which details the Supreme Court hearings for Clarence Thomas (Wendell Pierce) that were rocked by testimony by Oklahoma law professor Anita Hill (Washington).

The hearings brought the country to a standstill and forever changed the way we think about sexual harassment, victims’ rights and modern race relations.

Ariza will play Judy Smith, the White House press liaison.

Interestingly, it’s a reunion of sorts for Washington and the Smith character. Smith is the founder, CEO and president of the crisis-management firm Smith & Co., the inspiration behind Washington’s ABC drama series Scandal. Smith was Special Assistant and Deputy Press Secretary to President George H.W. Bush and reportedly was instrumental in guiding his administration through the controversies surrounding the Thomas nomination.

Ariza’s credits include appearances on Parks and Recreation, Scorpion and Castle.

Sotomayor to Participate in Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball Drop

Prepare for justice this New Year… Justice Sonia Sotomayor, that is.

The 59-year-old Puerto Rican U.S. Supreme Court justice, the first Hispanic justice, will lead the final 60-second countdown and push the ceremonial button to signal the descent of the Times Square New Year’s Eve ball during this year’s annual celebration, according to organizers.

Sonia Sotomayor

Sotomayor, who was appointed to the court in 2009, is a native of the Bronx.

The giant New Year’s Eve ball is covered in more than 2,600 crystal triangles and lit from within by more than 32,000 lights.

The ball drop will be covered live on networks including ABC, NBC, Fox and CNN.

Pope Francis Named Time Magazine’s 2013 Person of the Year

Despite a strong challenge from Miley Cyrus and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Pope Francis has been named Time magazine’s 2013 Person of the Year.

The 76-year-old Argentinean newly elected pontiff who’s made headlines for his humility, nicknamed “The People’s Pope,” was the individual Time editors decided had the most impact on the world and the news — for better or worse — over the past year.

Pope Francis' Time Cover

In explaining the magazine’s choice on Wednesday’s Today, Time managing editor Nancy Gibbs said the pope is “someone who has changed the tone and perception and focus of one of the world’s largest institutions in an extraordinary way.

“So much of what he has done in his brief nine months in office has really changed the tone that is coming out of the Vatican,” Gibbs added. “He is saying, ‘We are about the healing mission of the church, and not about the theological police work that had maybe been preoccupying us.’ ”

Francis is the third pope to be awarded Time‘s Person of the Year honor. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said in a statement read on Today that “the Holy Father is not looking to become famous or to receive honors. But if the choice of Person of Year helps spread the message of the gospel — a message of God’s love for everyone — he will certainly be happy about that.”

NSA leaker Edward Snowden ranked second on Time‘s list, but some are saying that he should have received the top spot. Other runners-up included gay rights activist Edith Windsor, whose Supreme Court victory led to the demise of the Defense of Marriage Act, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Cyrus and Bezos both made Time‘s shortlist, revealed on Monday’s Today, as did 2012 winner President Barack Obama, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Sotomayor Holds Court on Sesame Street…

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is holding court on Sesame Street…

The 57-year-old Puerto Rican Associate Judge, the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court, heard the case of Goldilocks v. Baby Bear in a new video on the Sesame Street Youtube page.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Over a cup of coffee with her friend Maria, Justice  Sotomayor—who has served on the Supreme Court since her appointment by President Obama in August 2009—doled out some justice in the case.

“Does the Justice think it was right for Goldilocks to come into my house — uninvited, mind you — sit in my chair and break it?” Baby Bear asked Sotomayor, who replied, “I’m not sure” and said she needed to hear from Goldilocks.

Goldilocks led with an apology—hardly a strong defense strategy—before saying she “didn’t mean to break it” and adding that she “was tired and it was the only chair that fit just right.”

But the argument stuck with Sotomayor, who told Baby Bear that “it was an accident” that Goldilocks broke the chair. “And accidents do happen,” she noted. When Baby Bear noted that his chair was still broken, Sotomayor told Goldilocks to help him glue it back together.

The 42nd season of Sesame Street will focus on science, math and engineering education.