Lovato to Partner with Pocket Gems for Mobile “Create Your Own Adventure” Game

It’s game on for Demi Lovato

The 22-year-old part-Mexican American singer/actress has partnered with mobile game developer Pocket Gems to create a game that recreates the storyline of becoming a famous musician.

Demi Lovato Mobile Game

The still-untitled game, to be released later this summer, is a “choose your own adventure” type story, says Pocket Gem’s Jameel Khalfan. Players will join Lovato on tour and backstage as they build their own music careers. It will run on Pocket Gems’ Episode platform, which powers dozens of interactive stories, and will be available to both iOS and Android users.

Why did Pocket Gems seek out Lovato? Khalfan says the company surveys its users about the kind of content they want and which people they admire. One recurring theme from its predominantly female user base was the desire to be famous. Pocket Gems eventually found out through CAA, Lovato’s agency, she was interested in this kind of project.

“If you incorporate an artist like Demi, it becomes more real,” Khalfan tells Billboard. “You get to see things that have helped her along the way. We wanted to come up with a compelling story our users will love. They’re all aware of her story.”

As for Lovato’s involvement in the game’s development, Khalfan says she has helped give it authenticity. She has helped craft her dialogue, the clothes and outfits her avatar will wear. Her dog Buddy will also be featured. Khalfan says Lovato’s original recordings will be incorporated in the game “in a few different ways” depending on the story.