Aguilera Makes First-Ever Trip to Ecuador to Raise Hunger Awareness

Christina Aguilera is taking her fight against world hunger to Ecuador …

The 34-year-old half-Ecuadorian American actress recently made a first-time trip to the South American country in her quest to help fight world hunger.

Christina Aguilera in Ecuador for World Hunger Relief

A volunteer global spokesperson for Yum! BrandsWorld Hunger Relief program since 2009, Aguilera shared video of the experience, which serves as a public service announcement to raise hunger awareness on behalf of the many third-world children and families struggling to survive.

The new PSA includes footage from Aguilera’s humanitarian trip where she witnessed the effects of hunger first hand and helped beneficiaries of WFP’s nutrition programs. Aguilera met with local refugee families and served food to hungry children who often times receive just one meal a day through WFP’s school feeding program.

Aguilera says the trip also allowed her to reconnect with her roots. “This particular trip was sort of extra-special for me because it is my blood and heritage,” she told the Associated Press back in September upon returning from Ecuador. “My father was born in Ecuador and my grandfather was born in Quito, which is the city I stayed in. And we would drive out in the fields which were hours away by car and into the farmland and sort of refugee areas where people are struggling.”

Aguilera says she actually chose Ecuador from a list provided to her.

“I definitely had always wanted to go visit where my dad comes from, the culture, you know, not having sort of a consistent relationship at all in my life with him and not really knowing him as I’ve gotten older through the years as well,” she shared with AP. “There’s a history there. But, you know, it is a part of my blood and a part of my heritage and a part of my people. And I would look at the faces and I would sort of … sometimes feel like I saw a resemblance. I think it’s important and I think it’s good to know where you come from and sort of get to know your roots.”


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