Camila Cabello is sharing both sides of a story…
This week, the 22-year-old Cuban & Mexican singer released two new songs, “Shameless” and “Liar.”

Cabello released the two tracks as a package because they tell both sides of a story, she told radio host Zach Sangover the phone this week.
She added that she prefers to release songs in pairs when introducing a new project to give listeners a better picture of the new album to come.
“I think it’s too much pressure when I haven’t released an album in a year and a half to just put out one song,” Cabello said. “That’s a bit much for me. I don’t like it … I’m not really like a drop one single kinda gal. I feel like I want to put out more music, more visuals, more stuff because I feel like then it makes you appreciate the one song more because you have context for it.”
“Honestly even just putting out two kind of drives me crazy. I want to put the whole album out!” she explained.
Cabello, who revealed that “Shameless,” “Liar” and one other yet-to-be-heard track were the last songs she recorded for sophomore album Romance, said that the first two songs she’s unveiled “are the same story. There’s two different sides to it.”
But “Shameless,” in particular, is a song she feels very “emotionally connected to”: “I was on such an emotional peak that I was not self-conscious at all,” Cabello said of the song’s recording session. “I was just like, I don’t even care. I’m like high off of this feeling. I think that’s why it was so easy to write because I wasn’t thinking, I wasn’t trying, I was just feeling.”
Cabello says her album is essentially done, but its doors are not closed: “I have all the songs for it. I have all the songs for it. I don’t think it needs anything, but I’m always writing because I’m always inspired.”